Sunday, August 26, 2012

Being Nice to Friends

This morning I woke Lizbeth up and told her we were going to school.  We talked about the friends she was going to see.  There are a total of three other girls in her class and no boys.  The conversation went like this.

Me: "Today you can go play with L and C and A!
Lizbeth: "L cries at school."

We took a moment to talk about cheering up our friends, bringing them a toy, saying nice things, ect.

Lizbeth: "C cries too sometimes."
Me: "That's too bad.  Does A cry too?"
Lizbeth: "No...well, when I PUSH her she does!"

It was all I could do not to laugh out loud.  Talk about honesty.  We then had a conversation about not pushing our friends.