Friday, December 16, 2011


About a week ago we were blessed with a light dusting of snow. Just enough to play in, not enough to cause any real problems.

Even though it's not Lizbeth's first snow, she definitely had no memory of it. She was quite befuddled by this white coating, and for the most part had fun walking around in it.

Eventually she did slip on the concrete, which scared her enough she was done with snow for the day. No matter what I did, she insisted on me carrying her home. Still, overall it was a fun little morning outing.

What is all this white stuff?
From Snow

How do I get up without putting my hands in it? (we don't have any gloves for her right now. I hope to remedy that soon)
From Snow

Where are all the big kids going? (to school) Why can't I go with them? (because pregnant mama can't keep up on this ice!)
From Snow

Our back gate guard house with the ocean in the background.
From Snow

A little bit hazy of a sunrise, but pretty none the less.
From Snow

Come on mama, I'm not ready to go home yet.
From Snow

I love pictures of snow on the beach.
From Snow

1 comment:

David said...

Thanks for pictures of the snow & snow with Lizzy. Looking forward to seeing you Friday.