Monday, October 17, 2011

Hello Second Trimester!

My biggest symptom this pregnancy has been exhaustion. Almost every day I've been able to take a nap while Lizbeth does (or at least 3 out of 4 days) and I still nearly pass out around 8:30 at night. Mornings have me dragging around for the first several hours, and at one point I had an actual mini meltdown.

Suddenly last week, I woke up and decided I had enough energy to tackle the kitchen. My drawers had been driving me crazy, the top of the fridge was about to start climbing down the sides, and Lizbeth's dish shelf was a hodgepodge of every random item someone didn't know where to put. I started with the drawers...

From Oct 2011

Unfortunately I wasn't thinking to have before pictures, but I did snap one of the top drawer mid progress. 4 hours later, the counter was cleared, the pantry was completely organized (shelves, drawer, and top) and the "drop everything" shelf by the outside door were also sorted, cleaned, and re-organized.

Here are a few "after" pics.

From Oct 2011

From Oct 2011

As cleared as our counter ever gets.
From Oct 2011

From Oct 2011

Top Shelf-->Snacks
Middle Shelf-->Drink fixings
Bottom Shelf-->Canned goods and baking supplies
From Oct 2011

Lizbeth helping to "unorganize" the pantry :-)
From Oct 2011

This wonderful, though psycho, burst of energy has thankfully hung around the past week. It's wonderful to not feel as though I'm dragging behind Lizbeth constantly. My bedroom, Nathan's desk/dvd area, and a few other areas have also benefited since. I'm hoping it will stick around for awhile so I can finally get things taken care of before new baby comes along!


David said...

I'm glad you are getting some of your energy back.

Orchid Mama said...

looks like something I would do and blog about :-) Looks awesome! Great job, I totally know how you feel