Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Which of these does not belong?

Chinese homework question of the day:

Which of these does not belong?

1. Ice 冰块
2. Coke 可乐
3. Sprite 雪碧
4. Yogurt 酸奶

Any ideas? Please comment and let me know why you chose what you did :-)

Answer will follow in a future post, along with best and funniest answers.


denisemayen said...

Ice. Everything else is drinkable. How'd I do?

p&k said...


Denise, I was just about to post the same thing . . . hmmm, wonder where you get your very asia-ideas about drinking yogurt!?

Maybe I'll switch to my American answer: Yogurt. You would never put ice in yogurt.

Errant d20 Designer said...

I was thinking yogurt, because it has dairy in it.

Anonymous said...

Ice, because it isn't a liquid. You can drink yogurt, sprite, and coke. RW