Saturday, August 1, 2015

Laundry has been a challenge for me coming back.  After three weeks we finally have a working washing machine as of four days ago.  Until then I had been running back and forth between a friend's apartment to borrow her washing machine.  However, even when I would get it washed, getting it to dry was another challenge!  We don't have a dryer (not standard here) and the humidity is so bad that sometimes it would mold before it would dry.  Super frustrating.  Our house has been looking like this alot:

Now that we have our washer I am trying to get caught up on the many loads that had built up!  Of course finding spaces large enough to hang the bigger pieces is even more fun.  :-)


Diana said...

Now that does not look like fun! Bummer about no dryer. Moldy clothes is frustrating! You have me beat as far as drying clothes in creative places.

Diana said...

Now that does not look like fun! Bummer about no dryer. Moldy clothes is frustrating! You have me beat as far as drying clothes in creative places.